Blog Archives

Tea is the Next Big Entrepreneur Enterprise

We have been working and getting to know a great company in San Diego called the Tea Gallerie. John and Maria started this tea company in their living room about 3 years ago. It’s amazing to see how much it has grown. They are smart entrepreneurs who have done a really good job of growing their business with minimal investment and no debt. They work hard but it’s paying off. I have truly enjoyed working with them. We are in the process of helping redesign their website and create some new marketing opportunities.

Speaking of the new marketing opportunities, I am impressed at how they have built their business on selling tea at the local farmers markets. It’s amazing. Tonilee and I went to the Farmers Market in Little Italy in downtown San Diego this past Saturday and it was packed out. They are making a small fortune with very little overhead. As a test, they have set up a “license agreement” with two people in other states: Washington and Chicago, IL. The guy in Washington is selling over $10,000 a month in tea! At the Farmers Markets! TL and I are on board…this is an entrepreneur’s dream.

As of now, we have put together a package that is literally a Business in a Box and the Return on Investment is about 8 weeks. Seriously, this is a great deal. Easy set up. Quick return on the initial investment ($10,000) and the profit is unbelievable. For about 5 hours of time, some people are selling as much as $500-$1000 of tea. I did some research and found that tea is one of the fastest growing products in the US and the world. Who knew?

To take advantage of this opportunity, get in touch with me. Do you know anyone that would like to work about 2-3 days per week part-time and make around $10,000 or more? We are not offering this to everyone but to selected and approved, serious entrepreneurs. Any city in the US is open to the opportunity. For more information on the Tea Gallerie, visit to learn about all of their products. It’s pretty impressive.

Is it Tea Time? Email me at or call 800-992-0369

Don’t Forget the “Must Have’s” for Your Website

Announcing New Live Streaming TV Show

We are excited to announce our new video TV program called Real Issues-Real Answers with Bobbye & Tonilee on a live-streaming platform. A new high-tech, high quality video company, WaZillo Media, is launching a major opportunity for any business, persons, whomever wants to develop their own hour-long program. We met the owners of this company a few months ago and have been big supporters since we heard their plans. What they have created is amazing. They have recently completed three  state of the art studios, including HD cameras, engineers and set up. We have been practicing the past couple of weeks and will be ready to launch our new show on Wednesday, November 2nd at 11am PST.

The actual show runs for 1 hour and is “live” streaming online. You can watch it at All of the shows will be archived and can be viewed at the website 24/7. Very cool system. Video streaming is a powerful tool and the owners of WaZillo Media are truly developing a revolutionary service. The price is more than reasonable and at this point, we cannot even imagine the vastness of how far this new venture will expand and grow online. Tonilee and I are super excited to be a part of this cutting edge opportunity.

Our program will be a 1 hour “live” show with guests, videos, interviews, and ongoing compelling discussions on today’s most relevant topics. In the past, we have addressed topics like Depression, Debt, Divorce and Death (the “Deadly D’s”) and Anxiety, Anger, Abuse and Addition (the “Awful A’s”). We will be looking for Real Answers from our special guests and those who can provide applicable solutions to Real Issues, not just the “right” answers but the real ones. We are going to host a FREE series starting in January and a One Day Conference in February.

This program will be a great opportunity for sponsors and businesses, organizations and experts who can share their real answers. If interested in being interviewed or have an idea for a show topic, please email us at More updates to come. Thanks to everyone for all of the support. Bobbye Brooks

Media 4 Women Networking Group Meeting October 24th

Bobbye Brooks and Tonilee Adamson are the co-founders of Media 4 Women
Enterprises, a full service marketing and media company based in San Diego, CA.
They have formed a new group for women who are serious about networking,
learning, sharing and applying tools to increase their success. The Media 4
Women Association was formed in September 2011 and is now accepting members
applications. Anyone can attend the networking meetings but members receive
discounts on all events and Media 4 Women products. Each networking meeting
includes a buffet and drinks, member highlights and a valuable training session
on topics ranging from social media to video marketing to websites. We would
love to have you join us on Monday October 24th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the
Hilton in La Jolla. Training session will be on Video Marketing.

Register at

Media 4 Women Discuss Video Marketing on San Diego Living: Boost Business with Video

Five NO-NO’s On Your Website

Article posted by The Costco Connection, June 2011

by Bobbye Brooks & Tonilee Adamson

Website Tips 4 You! Part 9

Today is our final installment of Website Tips 4 You! Thank you for following our Website Tips series for the past few weeks. Our lists of Do’s and Dont’s will help bring your small business to the next level with your online marketing presence.

To find more information on your website you can:

– Search Google for website information companies. There are numerous online resources for website optimization.

– Start with reading through Google’s website guidelines. Google is king of the online world and they determine the rankings, so you definitely want to read their website optimization tips.

– Call Media 4 Women today. We can help you!

And now for the final Top Tips for Business Women to Make their Website Stand Out:

#4 – For Business Women, keep your website clean and professional in appearance. Use professional photos, nice graphics and keep your primary information “above the fold” or on the main part of the page, without scrolling.

#3 – Use Social Media to your business’ advantage. Make sure you have the top Social Media icons on your homepage with links to your business pages. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are three of the top social media sites.

#2 – Make it easy for them to get in touch with you. Have an opt-in Subscriber box to sign up to receive updates and information from your business.

#1 – Have a Clear Call to Action for your business. Make your homepage standout with a clear message of what you do and how your visitors can respond to you. Create a Special Offer, a FREE Newsletter, or something for them to connect with you and your services and products.

Top 5 Things NOT to Have on Your Website

#5 – Do NOT use fonts, graphics or styles that “date” your website. Look at other websites in your industry and get ideas of how to make yours look current, contemporary and relevant.

#4 – Do NOT use muted or dull colors. It is important today to have an attractive, eye pleasing website. Colors illicit emotion and the right colors can be very effective in attracting and keeping your visitors.

#3 – Do NOT use extensive pop-ups, flashing banners or videos that cannot be muted. Too much movement can be distracting and annoying to the visitor.

#2 – Do NOT use graphics that take several seconds to open. People will leave a website quickly if the content takes too long to open. Make sure your website opens instantly with all of the graphics and videos ready to play.

#1 – Do NOT use excessive text that requires the visitor to read the page. We recommend having more “white space” than text. Our world today is a bullet-point mentality; short tags can be quickly seen and read.

Stayed tuned over the next few weeks for more tips on how to make your business website stand out!

Website Tips 4 You! Part 8

This week we are featuring more Top Tips for Business Women to Make their Website Stand Out:

#3 – Use Social Media to your business’ advantage. Make sure you have the top Social Media icons on your homepage with links to your business pages. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are three of the top social media sites.

#2 – Make it easy for them to get in touch with you. Have an opt-in Subscriber box to sign up to receive updates and information from your business.

#1 – Have a Clear Call to Action for your business. Make your homepage standout with a clear message of what you do and how your visitors can respond to you. Create a Special Offer, a FREE Newsletter, or something for them to connect with you and your services and products.

Top 5 Things NOT to Have on Your Website

#5 – Do NOT use fonts, graphics or styles that “date” your website. Look at other websites in your industry and get ideas of how to make yours look current, contemporary and relevant.

#4 – Do NOT use muted or dull colors. It is important today to have an attractive, eye pleasing website. Colors illicit emotion and the right colors can be very effective in attracting and keeping your visitors.

#3 – Do NOT use extensive pop-ups, flashing banners or videos that cannot be muted. Too much movement can be distracting and annoying to the visitor.

#2 – Do NOT use graphics that take several seconds to open. People will leave a website quickly if the content takes too long to open. Make sure your website opens instantly with all of the graphics and videos ready to play.

#1 – Do NOT use excessive text that requires the visitor to read the page. We recommend having more “white space” than text. Our world today is a bullet-point mentality; short tags can be quickly seen and read.

Stayed tuned over the next few weeks for more tips on how to make your business website stand out!

Website Tips 4 You! Part 7

Today we are continuing with our list of Top Tips for Business Women to Make their Website Stand Out:

#2 – Make it easy for them to get in touch with you. Have an opt-in Subscriber box to sign up to receive updates and information from your business.

#1 – Have a Clear Call to Action for your business. Make your homepage standout with a clear message of what you do and how your visitors can respond to you. Create a Special Offer, a FREE Newsletter, or something for them to connect with you and your services and products.

Top 5 Things NOT to Have on Your Website

#5 – Do NOT use fonts, graphics or styles that “date” your website. Look at other websites in your industry and get ideas of how to make yours look current, contemporary and relevant.

#4 – Do NOT use muted or dull colors. It is important today to have an attractive, eye pleasing website. Colors illicit emotion and the right colors can be very effective in attracting and keeping your visitors.

#3 – Do NOT use extensive pop-ups, flashing banners or videos that cannot be muted. Too much movement can be distracting and annoying to the visitor.

#2 – Do NOT use graphics that take several seconds to open. People will leave a website quickly if the content takes too long to open. Make sure your website opens instantly with all of the graphics and videos ready to play.

#1 – Do NOT use excessive text that requires the visitor to read the page. We recommend having more “white space” than text. Our world today is a bullet-point mentality; short tags can be quickly seen and read.

Stayed tuned over the next few weeks for more tips on how to make your business website stand out!

Website Tips 4 You! Part 6

We just completed our list of “Top 5 Things NOT to Have on Your Website,” and this week we are starting a new list of tips to make your website stand out in your industry. Often small businesses get lost in the overwhelming number of websites that appear in search engines. These tips will help your website capture and hold your potential client’s attention.

Top Tips for Business Women to Make their Website Stand Out

#1 – Have a Clear Call to Action for your business. Make your homepage standout with a clear message of what you do and how your visitors can respond to you. Create a Special Offer, a FREE Newsletter, or something for them to connect with you and your services and products.

Top 5 Things NOT to Have on Your Website

#5 – Do NOT use fonts, graphics or styles that “date” your website. Look at other websites in your industry and get ideas of how to make yours look current, contemporary and relevant.

#4 – Do NOT use muted or dull colors. It is important today to have an attractive, eye pleasing website. Colors illicit emotion and the right colors can be very effective in attracting and keeping your visitors.

#3 – Do NOT use extensive pop-ups, flashing banners or videos that cannot be muted. Too much movement can be distracting and annoying to the visitor.

#2 – Do NOT use graphics that take several seconds to open. People will leave a website quickly if the content takes too long to open. Make sure your website opens instantly with all of the graphics and videos ready to play.

#1 – Do NOT use excessive text that requires the visitor to read the page. We recommend having more “white space” than text. Our world today is a bullet-point mentality; short tags can be quickly seen and read.

Stayed tuned over the next few weeks for more tips on how to make your business website stand out!