Blog Archives

I’m Upset with Myself: A Lesson Learned About Persevering—Online

For the past few years, I have been studying and spending literally hours per day “online.” I am not exactly sure what fascinates me the most by it but I truly believe that the potential for knowledge and creativity is virtually limitless. However, I have also learned that with all of the competition and search engine strategies, there is one key component to success…be patient. Don’t stop with whatever you are doing online to promote your business or message. I know this firsthand and after two years of working on various projects, I cannot believe what I have gained and what I have lost. Lost, because I stopped.

Let me give you an example that I just recently discovered and to be honest, I am still upset with myself over what I did. In January 2010, I was learning and testing how to place a digital product online and sell it.(A company called Traffic Geyser was my coach, trainer and I was using their system.) Within 3 days of setting up my little system, I sold the first digital download. So exciting. For someone with no experience at this type of online marketing and sales, I was ecstatic at what I discovered could be done. And, the best part was this: the product was a Bible study. I learned about this system using videos, landing pages and a digital product website. I had everything set up in one day. I made a 60 second video using pictures, music and text. I bought a domain name and created a one page sales page. Pretty easy to do.

Over the course of that year, I made money every month selling online products, using the same system. But, I learned so much that I began working with other businesses and clients to help them with their products. Last year in 2011, I decided to stop the very first campaign I had set up, the one with the Bible study. I did not renew the domain name. I took down the digital site and the landing page to sell it. I just stopped. Why did I do that? I think I figured it was just such a small piece of activity that it was not really doing anything anymore. Boy, was I wrong?!

I let the domain go and did not renew it. It is now being sold for almost $1000 as a premium domain. The little video I put on Youtube has almost 10,000 views and has comments as recent as last month. People are looking for the original domain and website to buy the product, the digital Bible study. I realized that the momentum did not slow down but it grew. My little online experiment from 2010 would be worth 1000% more today if I had just been patient and kept it going.

I am writing this blog to both encourage and warn you. If you have a business or are starting a new venture online, with a website, social media, online marketing, PLEASE do not stop. Time is on your side. If you are putting out quality, value-added content and products, then just keep going and keep telling people about your business. More people may be paying attention than you realize. I am still upset with myself for stopping this one little campaign.

I have a renewed motivation and enthusiasm to expand on what I have learned and to help others not make the same mistakes I have. I can honestly say that in just 2 years, the online world has changed dramatically. Every week brings more developments and “new” things. I try to test as much as I can before recommending certain services and I do love experimenting and seeing what happens. My next new venture is in App development. Apps are definitely the future.

Take home message: Don’t Stop! If you are just learning about social media, keep working with it. If your website is new and not getting much traffic, keep promoting it…through social media. Just keep learning, growing, trying new things…but don’t quit. Our next seminar is Tuesday, April 10th from 5:30 to 8:30pm at the West Inn and Suites in Carlsbad, CA. We are doing a 3-hour, hands-on training for how to set up your own WordPress blog site and start marketing it. Spots are limited but a few are left    Join us as we learn and grow together to use the tools available to us online. Keep going.  Bobbye Brooks

Bobbye & Tonilee New Internet TV Program

Don’t Forget the “Must Have’s” for Your Website

Media 4 Women Weekend Retreat “Moving On”

We know how busy everyone is, as we ourselves seem to never have enough hours in the day.  There are times when we need to make time for ourselves. We decided to host our second annual women’s retreat in Costa Mesa, CA at the Ayres Hotel. We launched this type of professional, educational, fun retreat last year to see if the women would really enjoy it. To be honest, we did not plan on having it this year. Why? Because we are all just “too busy”. But, several of last year’s attendees asked us to have another one. “Let’s do it again!” I believe that if we are going to “do it”, then let’s do it bigger and better than last time.

This year, October 28-30, we have three amazing speakers lined up for the weekend, along with some major teaching and training that TL and I want to share with you. We decided to only charge our costs (what it cost us), which means the entire weekend is only $199, including 2 nights in fluffy Queen beds and 4 meals prepared by an Executive Chef. We believe that these are times of need for women to come together and actually meet each other, get to know each other and help each other. This event is designed to be more intimate in nature, with about 50-60 attending. We are preparing for a life-changing 2012. It is time to “Move On” and get going, stop looking back at what we used to be or used to have. We need to prepare for change and actually make it happen.

I have much more to say and share but for now, consider this a personal invitation to join us for a special weekend. You will be blessed more than you can imagine. Space is limited, so save your spot for $50. If you have any questions, just call us at 888-727-7206 or email Registration is at We sincerely hope to see you there. Bobbye

Five NO-NO’s On Your Website

Article posted by The Costco Connection, June 2011

by Bobbye Brooks & Tonilee Adamson


Facebook is a site for creepers and stalkers. I am proud to be both.

This quote is taken from my teenage daughter’s friend on Facebook. Owning, founding and running a media company primarily for women over 40 continually reminds me that social media has brought a great divide in generations.

Around a year ago, a church woman told me that there was a huge gap between the older women and the younger women in their Bible study group. The younger gals wanted to communicate through Facebook and the older women were listing their uncertainties about joining an online site.

One group sees social media as a great tool to stay connected while the other group has their lists of apprehension to even attempt to understand it.

How do we get on the same page? Or should I say, “How do we get on the same site?”

For a long time, I didn’t do Facebook regularly either but I did set up a site. Why? To observe how Facebook was used and to see if it was worth my time. Each time I logged in, I had to reacquaint myself with it. It clearly took me some time to learn it. However, I knew quickly that the benefits far outweighed the risks.

At Media 4 Women, we can give you private lessons on how to use Facebook, Twitter and blogs to market your business (or just get personally updated). We can set the icons on your website so the branding remains the same. We have had amazing testimonies about how our classes have changed our clients’ businesses. One client said, “I didn’t believe that twitter would do anything for us but within 6 weeks of actively working it, we now have over 100 new names on our membership list.”

You might be like me and find yourself agreeing that you too have become the creeper and stalker you once feared and you too are proud of it!

For an appointment, please call 800-992-0369 or email us at

Social Media Atomics

Social Media is everywhere and everyone is talking about it to some extent. We often ask people if they are using social media to promote their business and most always, the response is “yes”, at least they have a Facebook page. Within a year, we have seen social media explode with people of all ages. What once seemed appropriate and applicable to the younger generation has now become a necessity for all of us. We cannot escape the power and presence of social media. A business today that is not using social media to some degree may not be in business a few years from now. Think this sounds impossible?

YouTube is now the number 2 search engine behind Google, which, incidentally, owns YouTube. More than 300,000,000 people visit YouTube each month and watch more than 12,000,000,000 videos.  So what does that mean to your business? It means online video should play a key part in your online marketing strategy. You need to establish “social authority” for your business in the subject areas where you have expertise. And online video legitimizes your business more quickly and broadly than any other method.

What about “mobile marketing”? Almost everyone over the age of 13 in the U.S. has a mobile phone. Twenty percent of them—50 million people—have so-called “smart phones” that can access the Internet and email. That number is increasing by 20 percent every month. How do you reach mobile users? Mobile text messaging is a must.

But isn’t a website enough? Not so anymore. Even if your business has a Website, it isn’t enough anymore. It used to be that you could set up a website and maybe buy some Internet ads to drive traffic. Instant traffic. That was then. This is now. You need to engage with your prospects and customers on their online turf: Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; their mobile phones. Plus online directories, maps and other social media . And the updates need to be daily, weekly and ongoing.

How in the world does the average business have time to keep up with all of this “social media” activity? In a simple answer: they can’t do it alone. A Facebook page is not enough by itself.  A couple of videos are not enough on YouTube. A great website is not enough, especially if no one is finding it online. What about SEO? Traditional SEO is out the window. Google has continually changed the rules of search engine strategies. What once worked for the SEO gurus has changed. Even the Inernet marketers have been forced to re-think their tactics. Bottom line: learn to play by Google’s rules. And by the way, Google is well-entrenched in Social Media and using it in its algorithms.

As a marketing company, we have been using social media for the past few years and have continued to study its dynamics. To be honest, it can be extremly time-consuming and intensely difficult to keep up with all of the posts, videos, updates, links, articles, blogs, directories, etc. We knew we had to streamline these activities and find the right automation tools. We have been testing several types of software and online programs for the past year to see which ones are the most effective and the easiest to use. The goal was todevelop an efficient system that could reach a massive audience, faster and with greater results. We next needed to select a name for this process, one that captured the extent of what we are doing with social media.

The phrase, Social Media Atomics, came out of a discussion about the explosive properties and potential with the program we were creating. Social Media Atomics has a blueprint that, from a distance, might resemble a nuclear diagram (not that I am familiar with nuclear blueprints). We must acknowledge that a key source of support and training has come from our friends at Traffic Geyser. They have amazing tools and resources for those who are do-it-yourself people. I highly recommend Traffic Geyser to anyone wanting to go beyond their existing marketing strategies. One of my favorite tools from them is their Market Me Suite system. Definitely worth checking out.

So, what is our blueprint for Social Media Atomics? It involves a strategy consisting of 8 different online and social media components, from developing a strong web presence to strategically using the top 5 networks to automated mobile marketing to enhanced video marketing to web 2.0 to utizing hundreds of online media outlets. Media 4 Women Enterprises has tested and measured the results for the past several months. Using our own business as the key test subject has proven to be a major benefit. The Alexa rankings for objectively illustrate the vast growth and exposure of that website alone and we have seen these same results with every client using this system. It works. There are no magic formulas or overnight windfalls but with time, diligence and a strategic plan, the results are undeniable. Massive exposure for your business ultimately leads to growth and financial success.

We encourage people everyday to look at what is happening online. There is no escaping the power of social media. Take the initiative and educate yourself on Google. Are you unsure of what all of the terms mean? Do you feel a bit left behind? It is never too late to catch up and captivate. We offer classes that teach you how to use Facebook, Twitter and WordPress. We have a book that teaches the meaning of the top 51 Internet terms, Internet 101. We offer free consultations to businesses or anyone needing assistance. We hold seminars and training classes. How can we help you? Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Subscribe to our Blog. Check out our videos on YouTube. Let’s connect. If interested in learning more about Social Media Atomics and the benefits for your business, send us an email at or call toll free 800-992-0369 to request a free consultation. Let’s connect. Let’s talk. Let’s get “social” and help each other succeed.

Bobbye Brooks, CEO Media 4 Women Enterprises

Media Enterprises Marketing Program – San Diego Living


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Website Tips 4 You! Part 9

Today is our final installment of Website Tips 4 You! Thank you for following our Website Tips series for the past few weeks. Our lists of Do’s and Dont’s will help bring your small business to the next level with your online marketing presence.

To find more information on your website you can:

– Search Google for website information companies. There are numerous online resources for website optimization.

– Start with reading through Google’s website guidelines. Google is king of the online world and they determine the rankings, so you definitely want to read their website optimization tips.

– Call Media 4 Women today. We can help you!

And now for the final Top Tips for Business Women to Make their Website Stand Out:

#4 – For Business Women, keep your website clean and professional in appearance. Use professional photos, nice graphics and keep your primary information “above the fold” or on the main part of the page, without scrolling.

#3 – Use Social Media to your business’ advantage. Make sure you have the top Social Media icons on your homepage with links to your business pages. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are three of the top social media sites.

#2 – Make it easy for them to get in touch with you. Have an opt-in Subscriber box to sign up to receive updates and information from your business.

#1 – Have a Clear Call to Action for your business. Make your homepage standout with a clear message of what you do and how your visitors can respond to you. Create a Special Offer, a FREE Newsletter, or something for them to connect with you and your services and products.

Top 5 Things NOT to Have on Your Website

#5 – Do NOT use fonts, graphics or styles that “date” your website. Look at other websites in your industry and get ideas of how to make yours look current, contemporary and relevant.

#4 – Do NOT use muted or dull colors. It is important today to have an attractive, eye pleasing website. Colors illicit emotion and the right colors can be very effective in attracting and keeping your visitors.

#3 – Do NOT use extensive pop-ups, flashing banners or videos that cannot be muted. Too much movement can be distracting and annoying to the visitor.

#2 – Do NOT use graphics that take several seconds to open. People will leave a website quickly if the content takes too long to open. Make sure your website opens instantly with all of the graphics and videos ready to play.

#1 – Do NOT use excessive text that requires the visitor to read the page. We recommend having more “white space” than text. Our world today is a bullet-point mentality; short tags can be quickly seen and read.

Stayed tuned over the next few weeks for more tips on how to make your business website stand out!

Website Tips 4 You! Part 8

This week we are featuring more Top Tips for Business Women to Make their Website Stand Out:

#3 – Use Social Media to your business’ advantage. Make sure you have the top Social Media icons on your homepage with links to your business pages. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are three of the top social media sites.

#2 – Make it easy for them to get in touch with you. Have an opt-in Subscriber box to sign up to receive updates and information from your business.

#1 – Have a Clear Call to Action for your business. Make your homepage standout with a clear message of what you do and how your visitors can respond to you. Create a Special Offer, a FREE Newsletter, or something for them to connect with you and your services and products.

Top 5 Things NOT to Have on Your Website

#5 – Do NOT use fonts, graphics or styles that “date” your website. Look at other websites in your industry and get ideas of how to make yours look current, contemporary and relevant.

#4 – Do NOT use muted or dull colors. It is important today to have an attractive, eye pleasing website. Colors illicit emotion and the right colors can be very effective in attracting and keeping your visitors.

#3 – Do NOT use extensive pop-ups, flashing banners or videos that cannot be muted. Too much movement can be distracting and annoying to the visitor.

#2 – Do NOT use graphics that take several seconds to open. People will leave a website quickly if the content takes too long to open. Make sure your website opens instantly with all of the graphics and videos ready to play.

#1 – Do NOT use excessive text that requires the visitor to read the page. We recommend having more “white space” than text. Our world today is a bullet-point mentality; short tags can be quickly seen and read.

Stayed tuned over the next few weeks for more tips on how to make your business website stand out!