Blog Archives

I’m Upset with Myself: A Lesson Learned About Persevering—Online

For the past few years, I have been studying and spending literally hours per day “online.” I am not exactly sure what fascinates me the most by it but I truly believe that the potential for knowledge and creativity is virtually limitless. However, I have also learned that with all of the competition and search engine strategies, there is one key component to success…be patient. Don’t stop with whatever you are doing online to promote your business or message. I know this firsthand and after two years of working on various projects, I cannot believe what I have gained and what I have lost. Lost, because I stopped.

Let me give you an example that I just recently discovered and to be honest, I am still upset with myself over what I did. In January 2010, I was learning and testing how to place a digital product online and sell it.(A company called Traffic Geyser was my coach, trainer and I was using their system.) Within 3 days of setting up my little system, I sold the first digital download. So exciting. For someone with no experience at this type of online marketing and sales, I was ecstatic at what I discovered could be done. And, the best part was this: the product was a Bible study. I learned about this system using videos, landing pages and a digital product website. I had everything set up in one day. I made a 60 second video using pictures, music and text. I bought a domain name and created a one page sales page. Pretty easy to do.

Over the course of that year, I made money every month selling online products, using the same system. But, I learned so much that I began working with other businesses and clients to help them with their products. Last year in 2011, I decided to stop the very first campaign I had set up, the one with the Bible study. I did not renew the domain name. I took down the digital site and the landing page to sell it. I just stopped. Why did I do that? I think I figured it was just such a small piece of activity that it was not really doing anything anymore. Boy, was I wrong?!

I let the domain go and did not renew it. It is now being sold for almost $1000 as a premium domain. The little video I put on Youtube has almost 10,000 views and has comments as recent as last month. People are looking for the original domain and website to buy the product, the digital Bible study. I realized that the momentum did not slow down but it grew. My little online experiment from 2010 would be worth 1000% more today if I had just been patient and kept it going.

I am writing this blog to both encourage and warn you. If you have a business or are starting a new venture online, with a website, social media, online marketing, PLEASE do not stop. Time is on your side. If you are putting out quality, value-added content and products, then just keep going and keep telling people about your business. More people may be paying attention than you realize. I am still upset with myself for stopping this one little campaign.

I have a renewed motivation and enthusiasm to expand on what I have learned and to help others not make the same mistakes I have. I can honestly say that in just 2 years, the online world has changed dramatically. Every week brings more developments and “new” things. I try to test as much as I can before recommending certain services and I do love experimenting and seeing what happens. My next new venture is in App development. Apps are definitely the future.

Take home message: Don’t Stop! If you are just learning about social media, keep working with it. If your website is new and not getting much traffic, keep promoting it…through social media. Just keep learning, growing, trying new things…but don’t quit. Our next seminar is Tuesday, April 10th from 5:30 to 8:30pm at the West Inn and Suites in Carlsbad, CA. We are doing a 3-hour, hands-on training for how to set up your own WordPress blog site and start marketing it. Spots are limited but a few are left    Join us as we learn and grow together to use the tools available to us online. Keep going.  Bobbye Brooks

Media 4 Women Networking Group Meeting October 24th

Bobbye Brooks and Tonilee Adamson are the co-founders of Media 4 Women
Enterprises, a full service marketing and media company based in San Diego, CA.
They have formed a new group for women who are serious about networking,
learning, sharing and applying tools to increase their success. The Media 4
Women Association was formed in September 2011 and is now accepting members
applications. Anyone can attend the networking meetings but members receive
discounts on all events and Media 4 Women products. Each networking meeting
includes a buffet and drinks, member highlights and a valuable training session
on topics ranging from social media to video marketing to websites. We would
love to have you join us on Monday October 24th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the
Hilton in La Jolla. Training session will be on Video Marketing.

Register at

Media 4 Women Weekend Retreat “Moving On”

We know how busy everyone is, as we ourselves seem to never have enough hours in the day.  There are times when we need to make time for ourselves. We decided to host our second annual women’s retreat in Costa Mesa, CA at the Ayres Hotel. We launched this type of professional, educational, fun retreat last year to see if the women would really enjoy it. To be honest, we did not plan on having it this year. Why? Because we are all just “too busy”. But, several of last year’s attendees asked us to have another one. “Let’s do it again!” I believe that if we are going to “do it”, then let’s do it bigger and better than last time.

This year, October 28-30, we have three amazing speakers lined up for the weekend, along with some major teaching and training that TL and I want to share with you. We decided to only charge our costs (what it cost us), which means the entire weekend is only $199, including 2 nights in fluffy Queen beds and 4 meals prepared by an Executive Chef. We believe that these are times of need for women to come together and actually meet each other, get to know each other and help each other. This event is designed to be more intimate in nature, with about 50-60 attending. We are preparing for a life-changing 2012. It is time to “Move On” and get going, stop looking back at what we used to be or used to have. We need to prepare for change and actually make it happen.

I have much more to say and share but for now, consider this a personal invitation to join us for a special weekend. You will be blessed more than you can imagine. Space is limited, so save your spot for $50. If you have any questions, just call us at 888-727-7206 or email Registration is at We sincerely hope to see you there. Bobbye

Seattle Stands Out!

Today, we are in Seattle working with a client who owns a gas station, car wash, lube center and convenient store. It is a One-Stop Shopping experience and they really do have a great business.  My first impression of Seattle was, “Look at all the Starbucks.”  Then, I was reminded that Starbucks started here. Next, I was amazed on how web savvy these people are. Downtown, there is a clothing store with their web address printed on their overhead banner. So instead of seeing “Pala Pala Women’s Clothing,” the overhead front door banner read “” Even a parking structure had a flashing sign that said, “Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.” The world as we know it has changed because of social media. With so much stimuli, how do you stand out in the midst of the noise?

Media 4 Women Discuss Video Marketing on San Diego Living: Boost Business with Video

Media 4 Women Discuss Video Marketing on San Diego Living

YouTube: Broadcast Your Campaign
Whether you’re an AdAge 100 advertiser or a local retailer, everyone can run their ad campaign on YouTube and tap into the world’s largest online video community. YouTube users around the world are watching 3B videos a day, and uploading more than 35 hours of video per minute, With over 500M+ streams per day in the US alone. On average, each YouTube user watches 69 videos month.

While these are very large numbers, they also represent a very large opportunity for advertisers to connect with their target customers in an immersive environment, and drive the desired response. 94 of top 100 advertisers in US have found success on YouTube. This trend is not limited to alone. With over 99 major online video websites in our network, large scale advertisers can finally use online video as a medium with critical mass for their campaigns.

Advertisers connect with YouTube users in 3 major ways:
1. When users are watching a video
2. When users are searching for video
3. Through custom marketing programs

At Media 4 Women, we are very familiar with the power of video marketing. For more information on how Media 4 Women can help you, call 800-992-0369 for a free consult.

The article above is located at

Five NO-NO’s On Your Website

Article posted by The Costco Connection, June 2011

by Bobbye Brooks & Tonilee Adamson

M4W on San Diego Living

:: FREE Consultation ::

Call :: 800.992.0369

mail ::

“All Things are Possible!”

Gary Cundiff – Testimonial

Gary Cundiff - Website

“I first heard about Media 4 Women after my wife attended one of Bobbye and Tonilee’s conferences.  She shared with them that I am a highly effective counselor and particularly effective in helping women who have been involved with abusive and hurtful relationships; specifically, those who have been targeted by pathological individuals.  My wife explained my difficulty in getting my message out and that I was in need of help.”

“From my first consultation to the present, I am highly impressed with their level of professionalism and how quickly they grasped my vision and goals.  Bobbye and Tonilee transcend professionalism moving to a whole new realm of heartfelt commitment and determination in helping me to move forward with my message and goals.  They quickly articulated my needs and designed a website of real excellence freeing me from the demands of self promotion to focus on what I do best:   helping my clients move forward from what binds them and holds them.  Their expertise, knowledge and encouragement have been priceless.”

-Gary Cundiff, MFT

Contact Gary

Click “Contact” above to contact Gary or Call (619) 300-9459

M4W University & Social Marketing

**NEW Class called “Online Social Networking Training: The Free Marketing Tool”

The classes are limited to 10 people, allowing you personal attention, a question and answer time, and tips and tools to help move your business forward.

“We’ve never done it that way” is a thought of the past.  Our new tagline is “All Things are Possible!”


Wednesday, September 29 at 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Thursday, September 30 at 7:00-9:00 PM

Cost: $15

CLICK HERE to Register

*There will be more classes in the future, so please contact us if you would like to stay updated on upcoming classes at Media 4 Women University.