Category Archives: weekly tips!

Tea is the Next Big Entrepreneur Enterprise

We have been working and getting to know a great company in San Diego called the Tea Gallerie. John and Maria started this tea company in their living room about 3 years ago. It’s amazing to see how much it has grown. They are smart entrepreneurs who have done a really good job of growing their business with minimal investment and no debt. They work hard but it’s paying off. I have truly enjoyed working with them. We are in the process of helping redesign their website and create some new marketing opportunities.

Speaking of the new marketing opportunities, I am impressed at how they have built their business on selling tea at the local farmers markets. It’s amazing. Tonilee and I went to the Farmers Market in Little Italy in downtown San Diego this past Saturday and it was packed out. They are making a small fortune with very little overhead. As a test, they have set up a “license agreement” with two people in other states: Washington and Chicago, IL. The guy in Washington is selling over $10,000 a month in tea! At the Farmers Markets! TL and I are on board…this is an entrepreneur’s dream.

As of now, we have put together a package that is literally a Business in a Box and the Return on Investment is about 8 weeks. Seriously, this is a great deal. Easy set up. Quick return on the initial investment ($10,000) and the profit is unbelievable. For about 5 hours of time, some people are selling as much as $500-$1000 of tea. I did some research and found that tea is one of the fastest growing products in the US and the world. Who knew?

To take advantage of this opportunity, get in touch with me. Do you know anyone that would like to work about 2-3 days per week part-time and make around $10,000 or more? We are not offering this to everyone but to selected and approved, serious entrepreneurs. Any city in the US is open to the opportunity. For more information on the Tea Gallerie, visit to learn about all of their products. It’s pretty impressive.

Is it Tea Time? Email me at or call 800-992-0369

The Cell Phone: A Standard of Way of Life


While sitting in the cell phone lot at the Phoenix Airport, I was amazed by how far technology has come. Cell phones have impacted our world to a point of having whole parking lots designated to their owners. Right there on the overhead sign, there was the announcement stating “Cell Phone Lot.”

The frustration of the Airport attendants trying to shoe away those of us from waiting at the curb for our friends or loved ones to exit the terminal now has a solution.

We followed the signs to enter a parking lot estimating 75 parking spaces all facing an extra large electronic billboard flashing flight arrival statuses. It was amazing; this billboard was as large as you would see in a football stadium. Each person (sitting in their car) would look up periodically to check the status of their particular flight waiting for the status to change from Enroute to Ready for PickUp.

I was thinking that the Phoenix Airport didn’t really need to call the parking lot a cell phone lot but a waiting lot because of the status announcements. Just then, my cell phone rang from an unknown number. I answered the phone to hear my friend say that she had arrived but lost her cell phone in the departing airport. She had to borrow a cell phone to call me.  Wow, I was absolutely wrong! The cell phone connection was far more accurate and timely than the billboard.  The person to person connection is far better than the electronic announcement.

The billboard was just an added benefit for the person waiting in the car because the person arriving does not realize there is a sign announcing the arrival and the billboard was still reading “Enroute” while my friend was waiting at the curb for me to pick her up.

Cell phones are now a way of life and the Cell Phone Lot is now a way of life. Cell phones are not going away and if anything we are now upgrading to Smart phones as 250 million apps have been created for them to complement our lives. We even have an app to read daily devotions.  That is, if you don’t lose it!

If we can help you move forward in this new era of technology, please visit us at We are here to help.


BTW, it took some time to find her at the curb. Why? She had no cell phone!

Bobbye & Tonilee Hosts the Power of Hope Women’s Conference

The following information is from our recent press release about the upcoming conference in San Diego. We are super excited about this event. Let us know if you have any questions by calling 800-992-0369.

Bobbye Brooks and Tonilee Adamson, co-founders of Media 4 Women and Daily Disciples Ministries announce the launch of their 7th annual women’s conference, held on the campus of Point Loma University in San Diego, California on Saturday, February 25, 2012. This one day women’s event is titled, “The Power of Hope,” and is designed to reach women from across Southern California.

Bobbye and Tonilee are entrepreneurs, speakers, authors and radio/television hosts who have inspired countless numbers of people to start their own business. These events captures the essence of motivating women to believe that their dreams can come true and to never give up on the “hope” of a brighter future.

“We are so excited to see more and more women stepping out and taking those steps toward freedom and independence, to grow stronger in their faith and to inspire others in the power of hope. This event in San Diego will be our largest to date and we are very appreciative of Sharp Healthcare as our title sponsor,” states Tonilee Adamson. For $25 a ticket, attendees will enjoy a day of music, special guest speakers, lunch by Panera Bread and much more, even parking is included in the ticket price.

“The ticket price is intentionally affordable, and we appreciate those who graciously support those who cannot afford even an extra $25. We consider this event a huge outreach for women in the San Diego community,” says Bobbye Brooks. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged due to expected attendance. Ticket holders can easily grab a seat and not stand in the long lines at registration.  Group discounts are available for those who purchase 4 or more tickets and can be purchased online at

Five NO-NO’s On Your Website

Article posted by The Costco Connection, June 2011

by Bobbye Brooks & Tonilee Adamson


Facebook is a site for creepers and stalkers. I am proud to be both.

This quote is taken from my teenage daughter’s friend on Facebook. Owning, founding and running a media company primarily for women over 40 continually reminds me that social media has brought a great divide in generations.

Around a year ago, a church woman told me that there was a huge gap between the older women and the younger women in their Bible study group. The younger gals wanted to communicate through Facebook and the older women were listing their uncertainties about joining an online site.

One group sees social media as a great tool to stay connected while the other group has their lists of apprehension to even attempt to understand it.

How do we get on the same page? Or should I say, “How do we get on the same site?”

For a long time, I didn’t do Facebook regularly either but I did set up a site. Why? To observe how Facebook was used and to see if it was worth my time. Each time I logged in, I had to reacquaint myself with it. It clearly took me some time to learn it. However, I knew quickly that the benefits far outweighed the risks.

At Media 4 Women, we can give you private lessons on how to use Facebook, Twitter and blogs to market your business (or just get personally updated). We can set the icons on your website so the branding remains the same. We have had amazing testimonies about how our classes have changed our clients’ businesses. One client said, “I didn’t believe that twitter would do anything for us but within 6 weeks of actively working it, we now have over 100 new names on our membership list.”

You might be like me and find yourself agreeing that you too have become the creeper and stalker you once feared and you too are proud of it!

For an appointment, please call 800-992-0369 or email us at

Many Opportunities Ahead of You

Within the past 18 months, we have helped numerous startup businesses, and though it started with women, our fastest growing clientele is now men. We have seen a level of success with every client, regardless of where they start. Our greatest success to date has simply been watching our clients step out and do something new and challenging. New authors who see their book in print for the first time is pretty incredible, and new business owners who see their website go “live” is pretty great! Step out and get going. What is there to lose with a free consultation?

Life is Too Fast

Life is fast, too fast. Years go by and when we look back, we are not always sure where the time has gone and what took up the most of it? I know I am not alone when I say that I do not think we are consistently purposeful in our plans or actions. I think we tend to react as things come our way, expecting the worse but hoping for better.
We all have dreams. Well, what is the difference between a dream and a goal? A plan. Not many share your inner dreams so only you can formulate your thoughts and desires to initiate a plan. Even if you need help with a plan, only you can take the steps to accomplish it.
I see a lot of people coming to us for help. They know they need more but instead of going forward in direction, they become distracted with whatever is screaming the loudest that day.
Get alone with yourself, a piece of paper and a pen. Write out the direction you want to go in business, at home, with life. Life is fast but it is too short to not go forward with your heart’s desires.
Tonilee Adamson

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Bobbye & Tonilee Discuss Membership Program


Click HERE to Sign up!

Media Enterprises Marketing Program – San Diego Living


Join our Membership Program at:

Launching New Book: Internet 101

Since co-founding Media 4 Women Enterprises about 2 years ago, I have learned a LOT about the Internet and the online world of marketing and media. Tonilee and I have been using media and marketing for several years to promote our businesses and have had great success with its tools. To be honest, I felt somewhat comfortable with the basic Internet terms. I knew a little bit about a lot of things, or so I thought. And, then as clients came in and began to ask questions, I realized how little I knew about the most basic components of the Internet. Out of the blue one day, someone asked me, “What does URL stand for?” I thought I knew the answer…I had my answer but I did not know the correct answer.

I started putting together a list of the top questions that we were getting asked on a regular basis. What is a “browser”? What is SEO? Who does Google really do? What is a “search engine”? And many people today are very confused over the barrage of new terms when we are still trying to learn the “old” ones. What are “apps”? How do I use Facebook, Twitter….what in the world is social media going to do for me? Who really cares? Oh, boy, the list goes on.

For what it is worth, here are my two-cents. Everyone should care about this Internet world and everyone should start paying attention to social media, “apps” and the barrage of new mobile and electronic gadgets that are continually changing. Why? Because, in order to succeed, it is imperative that we all catch up and start taking advantages of the opportunities before us. According to the trends, small businesses that do not have a social media marketing plan may not exist 3 to 5 years from now. Scary stuff. The online world is limitless in creativity and opportunity BUT you will need to know some basic concepts to use it effectively. That is why Tonilee and I wrote this book, “Internet 101: Answers to Your Top 51 Questions about the Internet”. This book, in its first edition, will absolutely help you grasp the basics and get caught up on the language. You will appreciate its content and its easy-to-read format. I promise you…you will learn something new.

This book is available right now as an Ebook, meaning you can download it straight to your computer, INSTANTLY. By the way, we discuss what a “download” is in the book. Check out the Table of Contents for more details.  Go here to order it   It is only $10! If you have any questions, please email us at and we will be glad to answer any questions.

Get going today! 

Bobbye Brooks