About M4W

Media 4 Women was designed and created to make Media opportunities available to the everyday person who needs help. At Media 4 Women, we work with individuals, business leaders, organizations and ministries who know they need to go the next step but do not know how to get there. We work with you to help you meet your goals.

Why is media so important? In today’s world, without effective media strategies, YOUR message will not be heard. Explore around, and schedule yourFREE Consultationtoday!

Media 4 Women Enterprises was founded in 2009 by Bobbye Brooks and Tonilee Adamson with a focused mission to help people accomplish their goals, dreams and visions.

Media 4 Women Enterprises is primarily a Marketing company designed to use all forms of Media to achieve their clients’ personal and business goals. M4W works with individuals, small businesses and large corporations from a variety of backgrounds, sizes and budgets.

Our team of in-house professionals as well as our extensive base of outside resources provides our clients with virtually any and every type of media and marketing tool available to them. From developing a Business and Marketing plans to creating profitable websites to producing videos to publishing books to television and radio advertising to “you name it”, M4W is a one-stop shop for a host of marketing and media essentials for your business’ success.

“Your Partner in Entrepreneurial Success!”

Call (800.992.0369) or Email (CLICK HERE), to get your FREE Consultation TODAY!

  1. victoria maria enriquez

    a friend mentioned your site to me & thot to send email address & get some ideas as to how-to set up website, but not creative to get started…trying to get started on “something” & am blank–unable to figure out what to do or how-to get started. Sorry about vagueness.

    • That’s okay about the vagueness, we have a couple of options for you First if you’re interested, we can send you the link to a webcast about marketing, and it will give you an idea of what we do: websites, but also the marketing behind to make sure your message is heard. Also I would work on answering the five following questions:
      — What are my Goals? (help someone, make money, build a business, personal mission, etc)
      — What is my Time Frame: Short-term and Long-term?
      — What are my Expectations? (global mission, local outreach, small business online, get rich, support my family, fulfill my dreams, etc)
      — How much can I realistically invest in Time, Money and Resources? (must have BUDGET for your Investment)
      — Am I supported and encouraged? (by family, friends)

      If you feel that you’re in a place to move forward and have answered the five questions, we are currently offering free consultations and would be happy to schedule a meeting with you. Feel free to respond to this, or you can email me at info@media4women.com and I’d be happy to help you out more.


  2. Interesting point of view.Thanks for the post. – Once you’ve put one of his books down, you simply can’t pick it up again. (talking about Henry James) – Mark Twain 1835 – 1910

  3. WONDERFUL Post.thanks for share.

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